Friday, March 11, 2011

A walk.

I'm terrible at keeping up with things. One thing I have always wanted to do was walk my way through the New Testament. Tonight is the start of what I hope to be a fruitful, and consistent, journey.

The Gospel of Matthew is considered the most "Jewish" of the gospels because of its repeated references to the Law. However, it does contain an anti-Pharisaic bias and does end with the Gentile mission. The book's organization consists of 5 great discourses (Ch 5-7, 10, 13, 18, 24-25) with a narrative section preceding each discourse.

CH 1.
The gospel opens with the geneology of Jesus, linking him to David and Abraham. The link with David indicates that Jesus, the Messiah ("annointed one") is a ruler. Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they were married, she found out she was to have a child through the Holy Spirit. Joseph was convinced to still marry Marry when he was visited by an angel which told him to marry, and name the son Jesus. The angel also said Jesus was to save his people from their sins.

CH 2.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem (Judea) during the reign of Herod.